Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Winds of Change. Really?

First, let me say that there is absolutely no truth to the rumor that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (God help me I may vomit) plans to convert the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan into a floating abortion clinic. Second, the claim that Sen Chuck Schumer (D-NY) plans to allow male cats and dogs to marry by Constitutional amendment has no basis in fact. Both those reports are nothing more than vile gossip propagated by the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy. With that said, I would prefer space aliens to liberal democrats as stewards of Congress, but things are not what some will tell you they are. Most notably, this election was not a referendum on the war in Iraq. If that were so, Joe Lieberman (I-CT) could not have beaten Ned Lamont (D) in the People's Democratic Republic of Connecticut. In fact, the overwhelming majority of the democrats elected to Congress two days ago were conservative democrats. They won specifically because they were not uber-liberals, unlike their leadership. Nearly all of them are moderates. It remains to be seen whether or not the incoming congressional class will be steamrolled by the likes of Miss America, excuse me Speaker Pelosi, and Chuck "my mother did not raise me right" Schumer, or if the freshman class will be able to bring their mandate to bear.

I whole-heartedly believe, and discussion of exit polls seems to confirm, that most people voted because they were sick and tired of Congress. It took some doing, but the honorable men and women in Congress had lower approval ratings than even mean old President Bush. The American public voted to change the culture of polarization, and the republicans, rightly or wrongly, were seen as the worst offenders. I have lamented what a democratic take over would mean to national security, and I still have those fears. I am concerned that Peace With Honor may become the rallying point for Iraq, which may cheer the Birkenstock crowd still fighting Vietnam, but spells disaster for us collectively. I may have to eat those words if this new crop of congressional freshmen can cut their own swath through the party politics. The elections were a triumph over fervent liberalism. Don't think so? Then why were Speaker Pelosi (D-CA), Harry Reid (D-NV) and Ted "I'll drive"Kennedy (D-MA) so absent from the public eye in the last few weeks before the election? It certainly isn't because they are shrinking violets who eschew the world stage. They are not shy, unassuming wall-flowers who recoil when confronted by a bevy of microphones. Now we must see what the newest members in the world's greatest form of government will do when confronted by those honorable members of Congress.

My greatest disappointment came not in the state in which I reside, but rather in neighboring Maryland. I knew Bob Casey (D-PA) would be rewarded for making no campaign events the center of his campaign. Rick Santorum was just too reviled. No, the loss which affected me most was Michael Steele. He is a thoughtful, stalwart, decent sort who was pelted with Oreo cookies for having the temerity to be black, and yet, run as a republican. After all, the democrats have been so good to blacks over the years. They have seen to it that they have been taken care of with welfare, Medicaid and failing, inner city schools. Where were those champions of tolerance when Michael Steele was subjected to hate speech? Oh that's right, that only counts when you have a D behind your name. Or to paraphrase George Clooney, when you are a republican you get what you deserve. That is reprehensible, and the US Senate is the lesser for Steele's exclusion. No other candidate made me think more than Michael Steele. In hindsight that may have been the problem. The Democratic Party has been doing the thinking for all the rest of us for so long that when anyone else challenges that birth-right he is sure to lose. I can only hope that Mr. Steele has not been completely soured on the process and someday makes another run for public office. I would surely understand if he does not, but I certainly hope he does.

I wonder now that the democrats have regained their birth-right if the impartial men and women of the press will hold them to account. I suspect the love fest will continue, but I have been wrong before. After all, even I have voted for a democrat, or four. The democrats, after years of opposing anything put forth by the republicans, must now put forth ideas of their own. Cynic that I am, I believe the economy, which the impartial members of the press have repeatedly informed us is so abysmal, will suddenly be seen as profoundly grand. This without one single iota of handling by anyone. Of course, that cannot happen before January when the democrats officially take control. We may even begin to see some good stories from Iraq. That may be too much to hope for, but a boy can wish. What will have to happen is that the press will be forced to ask the democrats what, exactly, is their plan to combat radical Islam. The democratic leadership will no longer be able to simply pat the impartial members of the press on the head, say "a new direction" and send them, giggling, on their way. Even David "I love hemp" Gregory might have to pose a tough question or, God help us, two, to some token democrat. That, of course, will be more to keep the token in line, than for any desire to edify us as a people.

Whatever happens I can only hope, ( I do not pray, ever), that the alleged support for the troops these elected officials so vehemently espouse translates as true support. I hope that the soldiers, marines, sailors and airmen who have fought, bled and died so valiantly, steadfastly and with such honor, will not now have the rug pulled out from under them. The incoming congressional class number among their members more than a few veterans. I can only hope that those public servants who have worn the uniform in the years since Vietnam will stand the line. I separate them from the Vietnam vets because I firmly believe the 'Nam vets in Congress have had their worldview colored by the utterly horrid treatment they received upon re-entering the "World" after their time in Hell. What else explains Sen. Kerry (D-MA) and Rep Murtha (D-PA) politicizing their service and dishonoring all of us who have served? Stockholm Syndrome? Although they have both made horrible remarks disparaging other vets, both of these honorable men will, no doubt, have their hypocrisy rewarded with positions of influence in the new Congress.

Luckily, as is patently evidenced by my words, I am not bitter. I plan to behave just as all my liberal friends have done. I will festoon myself, vehicle and abode with stickers proclaiming the date when democratic control will be removed. I will yell from the rooftops whenever they exhibit any example of malfeasance, non-feasance or hypocrisy. Oh wait, that's what I have always done, and it apparently means nothing because it is their intentions, not their words or deeds, that matter. Sen Robert Byrd (D-WV) can utter the word "nigger" in the august senate chamber, and nary a peep is heard from the NAACP. Republican voters can be denied poll access by having the vans for their transportation vandalized beyond use, and the ACLU leaps not to their defense. And who can forget former President Bill Clinton. He can treat women with utter, public disdain, use and discard them, and leading feminists will offer him oral satisfaction as a reward. At least, the recounts cannot take very long this year. Oh wait, although there were nearly a dozen races decided by less than 5,000 votes, and several decided by less than 1,500, there were no recounts. Apparently the Diebold voting machines work perfectly well whenever the democrats win. Sen. Schumer even counseled Sen. George Allen to"behave like a gentleman and concede" although his vote count was only 7,000 short Of James Webb's. This out of 2,400,000 cast. Somehow one has to wonder why Sen. Schumer did not counsel Vice President Gore and Sen. Kerry to concede like gentlemen. I no longer seem to fit in the party I've called home for twenty years, and I'll be damned if I'll join the one who behaves as I have described above. Maybe it is time to register as an independent. At least then, the pollsters will care for whom I intend to vote, and hell, I'll be able to swear, with impunity, at them both.

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